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What Its About

Progressions is about natural, archetypal patterns of unfoldment that apply to human development, to ecosystems, to physical and chemical processes, and ultimately to the very fabric of space-time. It presents evidence from science and from older wisdom teachings (gnosis, religion and mythology) that supports the theory of archetypal structure, value and process. Central to this is the primal "one" that divides into three and then into seven, to give seven universal stages of progress. These can be of involution and evolution, of human psychological expansion, of chemical structure, or of the growth of society and economy. The structure is fractal and appears to apply to all known phenomena. The seven stages or levels can be collapsed into three phases (of 2, 3 and 2 stages) that correspond to the qualities of the universal divine trinity.

Because much that follows depends on the validity of the archetypal structures and process, the first six chapters of Progressions define and provide evidence for them in human psychology and behaviour. This includes evidence from developmental psychology, ethics, morality, religion, economics, politics, business and science. The seven levels of the older chakra psychologies are also outlined, as is the older psychology of the seven rays.

The second part of the book, as chapters 7-9, takes a step in defining a soul model - how our consciousness and individuality interacts with the spiritual and material worlds through many lifetimes. To do so it must incorporate that which is beyond space-time (i.e. in akasha, bardo or hyperspace). An archetypal model of the atom provides some insight together with Einstein's famous trinity equation and quantum mechanics. From this basis a general model of the soul that is fractal for all entities (in all kingdoms of nature) is derived.

The meaningfulness of this for good and evil, male and female, genes and memes (and a further concept of phylenes) and how we understand is suggested. The role of humanity as the middle kingdom between the spiritual and natural kingdoms is considered. The soul model and the archetypal patterns are then assessed through biblical and mythological stories, and through various scientific models of process and progress. This includes self-organising systems, quantum mind and healing, the mechanism of fractal resonance, and levels of perceptual reality.

The last part of the book (chapters 10-11) outlines what happens in the final stages of our lives in the human kingdom, when we become more loving, wise and enlightened. We cooperate with the whole soul network, of all that is. We learn of a divine plan for all life, including for humanity. Some indication of the influence of the saints and masters in the spiritual kingdoms is offered. A profound technique of faith creation is provided.

All this knowledge and capability is useless unless it is applied, so we then look at how it can be applied in three areas of human development. We look at developmental dynamics, and at some of the serious issues of life on our planet today. Our planet and its people are at a point of crisis that is a place of decision. We face conflicting world-views and motivations, each the result of people at different stages of capability seeking the best they can envisage. Some of this is narrow and selfish, destructive to world peace and safety. Some is enlightened and sharing, with world stability and safety at its heart. An aspect of this is the differing conceptions of wealth and the corresponding different views about how we should promote economic growth. How we deal with this will determine whether our planet is habitable for us in the future. The battle is between the lower and higher natures of humanity - the true battle of Armageddon. But this inner conflict has its outer manifestations. We face this globally now, and how we deal with it will determine whether we continue to live on planet Earth or not. Ultimately we will learn and grow in wisdom, but we are now deciding just how and where we will do this.

How It Was Written

For many years I had been chafing at the bit to write a book about spiritual development, but had always lacked time to focus on it. The pressure built, and in 1997 I took six months long service leave from my work and wrote Progressions. It was one of the most creative and enlightening things I have done. Initially I intended to write only about the first part of the book – about the stages of development in the major areas of life. The information about these areas (economics, religion, work, etc.) came very quickly, as if I were guided to the appropriate sources in books and libraries. Before this, and many years ago, I had been impressed by the work of psychologist Clare Graves and his seven stages of psychological growth, later expanded by Lynch & Kordis. I was astounded and excited to discover similar stages in other social disciplines.

Then, to my amazement (on reflection, for at the time I was simply gobsmacked!) I made the connection to the seven levels of the atom and hence the seven levels of the table of chemical elements. This “coincidence” did not seem to be so, and intuitional prodding led me to manipulate the atom model with Einstein’s trinity equation to obtain an energy structure of soul development. This was far beyond what I had originally set out to do, and required extending the model generically to include all spacetime and that beyond spacetime.

Then the similarities with ancient myths and biblical stories came into consciousness, and the need to clarify their correspondence became pressing. After interpreting Revelation in accordance with the chakra theory (following Edgar Cayce), the similarity of the numbering system to that of the Tarot struck me. It was pure intuition that I set out to explain, and once again I was amazed and excited by the results. Thinking that the esoteric side of the writing needed scientific balance, I then found seven fractal levels of development of ecological cycles in the works of Jantsch and of Prigogine & Stengers, and followed this up with other studies. It became possible as a result to derive a general model of stages of evolution. All of this became the second part of the book, a part that gave greater meaningfulness to the archetypal stages of growth. But this then led to the third part of the book as follows.

Having got this far, I felt the need to answer an inner “so what?” question. How could all of the theory and its evidence be applied to real issues in the world today? There were two responses to this. One was to provide hope by indicating the path ahead. As the theory had shown this for the early and middle levels, I focussed on the final phase of human development. This came about through reading, direct intuition, and by the appropriate information simply coming into my hands (books given, internet sites suggested, articles catching my eye). The direct intuition was a revelation and often preceded apparent “validation” from written sources.

The second response was to see how the theory applied to real development of people, and to world issues. I relied strongly on my own experience in the three areas of economic and social development of countries, of workshopping the practices of self-actualisation, and of individual spiritual attunement. Then the great world issue – how to survive and grow beyond the global conflict of different desires and conceptions – was tackled. This conflict is integral – it involves economics and politics, culture and societies – and revolves around the need to expand from narrow and selfish capabilities to more generous and inclusive ones. It is not limited to “terrorism”, but more fundamentally is about who controls the world and how. The impact of selfish powerful economies on global life-support systems is causing far greater damage than any political warfare. I believe that the theory has cast some light on this crucial issue.

Following the six months spent writing, there were about 5 years after I returned to work in which supporting references to other works became known to me. During this latter time I also expanded thoughts about spacetime transformations at the limits of new physics and how they mirror older wisdom truths. I can say with simplicity that for all major ideas, the intuition came first and the supporting evidence or corroboration came later to verify the initial ideas. The ideas had an essence from a lifetime of study and practice in academic, domestic and wisdom realms, yet were new to me at the time of intuition.


Tony Stubbs in the USA provided valuable editing assistance in 1998. My wife Margot gave wonderful general support. I must also acknowledge the inspiring intuitive information provided by minds far more enlightened than my own, as direct attunement and as organised serendipity.

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